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Dear Reader,

As of October 1st, 2024, I have started working at the practice. I will work with you to gain a clear understanding of your concerns and the areas where you are struggling. Together, we will explore ways for you to maintain as much control over your life as possible, given your individual circumstances. Sometimes medication may be helpful, while in other cases, a form of psychotherapy may be more appropriate. In my approach to psychotherapy, I do not adhere to a single school of thought but rather draw from various approaches to find a method that suits your needs. Additionally, I may assist you in finding a colleague with more expertise in a specific area if necessary.

In addition to conducting diagnostics, providing medication guidance, and offering psychotherapy, I also welcome you to discuss whether a previous diagnosis is still relevant and whether any medication you may be taking already could be discontinued.

Please note that all care provided in the practice is voluntary, and you are not obligated to follow any recommendations. It is entirely up to you to decide how you will incorporate the insights, suggestions, beliefs, or medication recommendations into your life.

If you would like to schedule an intake appointment, please visit the page regarding Registration.

Kind regards,

Rick van der Spek, psychiatrist